Focus topic: Equality

A group of diverse women is looking towards the camera with confidence.
© Getty Images/Southworks

The topic of equality has many dimensions: It encompasses gender equality and the equal treatment of social minorities. Equality strives for equal educational opportunities for all and the elimination of social inequalities within and between countries. The aspect of equality is also anchored in several places in the 2030 Agenda, for example in SDG 4, SDG 5 and SDG 10.

A lot has already been achieved in terms of equality, but there is still a lot to be done in many places. The Alumniportal Deutschland has a special focus on the topic: alumni report on how they are campaigning for more equality in different ways. There are also comics, cultural tips and other articles on the various aspects of equal rights.

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Found 6 results.

  • SDG Ziel 5: Geschlechtergleichheit
    Photo of a group of women: Capacity-building training course for female STEM researchers in Koshi Province in Nepal
    Participants of a capacity building training course for female STEM researchers in Koshi Province in Nepal© private
    Participants of a capacity building training course for female STEM researchers in Koshi Province in Nepal © private

    More women for research in Nepal

    There are only a few women in Nepal who are working in STEM research. Biologist Dr Babita Paudel has launched a network initiative to change that.

  • View of the exhibition Empowerment Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
    View of the exhibition Empowerment Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 10.9.2022 – 8.1.2023© Marek Kruszewski
    View of the exhibition Empowerment Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 10.9.2022 – 8.1.2023 © Marek Kruszewski

    SDG 5 - Artworks about feminism from around the world

    The exhibition Empowerment at the art museum in Wolfsburg provides a global overview of art and feminism since the start of the 21st century.

  • Agenda 2030
    SDG Ziel 5: Geschlechtergleichheit
    Jenny Dembrow & Ebonie Simpson
    Jenny Dembrow & Ebonie Simpson© private
    Jenny Dembrow & Ebonie Simpson © private

    Goal 5 – Gender equality and Women’s empowerment

    1014 spoke with Jenny Dembrow and Ebonie Simpson, Co-Executive Directors of the Lower Eastside Girls Club in New York City, about connecting girls and young women to healthy and successful futures and the importance of community engagement.

  • SDG Ziel 10: Weniger Ungleichheiten
    SDG Ziel 17: Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele
    SDG Ziel 4: Hochwertige Bildung
    SDG Ziel 5: Geschlechtergleichheit
    Group of people of different ages and nationalities putting their arms around each other
    © Getty Images/Rawpixel
    © Getty Images/Rawpixel

    Round-up Talk: Equal rights and opportunities

    Five Germany alumni, who campaign for more equality and social justice around the world, participated as experts in our round-up talk. In the interview you will learn, among other things, how the alumni are committed to more equal opportunities and equality and which specific tips they give to other committed people.

  • Symbol of gender equality. Hand spins a cube and changes an unequal sign to an equal sign between the symbols of men and women.
    © Getty Images/Fokusiert
    © Getty Images/Fokusiert

    Gendering: how fair is the German language?

    Equality or unnecessary effort? How initiatives in Germany are promoting gender-inclusive language – and what reservations they are encountering.