Alumni voices: 'My vision for Europe'

What do young people think of the European Union – and what visions do they have? At the central DAAD alumni event to mark the German EU Council Presidency, we spoke to four alumni to find out what they appreciate about the EU – and what they would like to improve.
On 1 October 2020, to mark the German EU Council Presidency, the DAAD organised an event for its alumni from the 27 EU countries that focused on questions concerning the future of the EU. Leading German and European personalities took part in the event, which was organised under the patronage of Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and organised partly physically and partly virtually. See for full details of the event.
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Siegfried Muresan is a DAAD alumnus and has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2014. His 'Vision for Europe' tells us why exchange in Europe is one of his most significant concerns and why young people should sometimes be more courageous.
Here you can view a recording of the EU alumni event #DAADAlumni4EU 'Shaping Europe - Strengthening Europe: Ideas for Europe'