Five alumni, five questions: question 3
How did you experience the science system and working in Germany?
Germán Molpeceres
One thing that surprised me when I came to Germany was the size of the research groups, with groups spanning several expertise. I think that is the most important quality of working in Germany. I collaborated with many different scientists during my stay in Stuttgart, and I learned something new in each project we tackled. I expanded my knowledge in many directions during my stay in Germany, which has been instrumental in .
In addition to that, I must highlight the infrastructure that I used. While I was in Stuttgart, the only limiting factor for my research was the time! The technical infrastructures were top-notch, and I never found myself limited. I highlight, for example, the Baden-Württemberg High-Performance Computing Center, which I used extensively and that exceeded all my expectations. Finally, my salary (or ) was very competitive and allowed me to live comfortably, allowing me to focus on developing my science and enjoying my stay.
Pooja Dwivedi
My research stay opened some excellent research opportunities for me. The is Germany’s most successful scientific organization. Sponsored researchers choose their own research topics, enjoy the best working conditions and have a free hand in the selection of their hosts. This enormous research freedom goes hand-in-hand with a substantial degree of responsibility and ownership. The Humboldt Foundation wants to ensure that the know-how of young foreign scientists acquired in Germany is not lost: support with leading a working group that their home institutions adequately equip is available for outstanding researchers returning to their countries of origin.
Research in Germany offers a unique blend of fundamental research with a highly translational aspect and a conducive environment for fruitful interactions. With the experience of working with leading researchers in Waste Management and circular economy, I am inclined to take up a research-based career in academia. I strongly think that the opportunity has provided me with the necessary impetus to develop and grow in a research area of my interest. My research experience and interdisciplinary training will enable me to accomplish the expected outcomes. I sincerely hope to make a significant contribution through my work.
The interview partners
Patrick Opoku
The is unique. I observed that Germany has a strong tradition of collaboration between science and industry. Researchers often have opportunities to engage with industry players, either through joint research projects, technology transfer, or industry placements. This can facilitate the application and commercialization of research findings.Germany is also known for its emphasis on maintaining a healthy . Researchers often have access to flexible working hours, generous vacation days, and social benefits. This allows researchers to balance their professional commitments with personal and family life. The country values diversity and provides for international researchers, including funding programs and assistance with visas and work permit which is very remarkable.
Rasha Hanafi
I admire, respect and end to love the science system and the working environment and its pace in Germany. I liked the routine of the working week days, that enables high productivity with minimal distraction, followed by fun weekends with all types of activities that boost energy. I also liked the commitment of all research colleagues to high quality output together with their ability to joke, chat in the breaks, go hiking together...
Research groups in Germany have hierarchy where the older PhD holder helps the PhD student who in turn helps the master student, and this goes without saying. This spirit enhances the performance of all, strengthens bonds between all members and creates a school that continuously develops in quality and grows in number.
Olufemi Ernest Ojo
Working in Germany helped me to develop very valuable skills that have enhanced my career. The science system was well organised and progressive. The facilities were modern, functional and regularly upgraded. Personal and environmmental safety were accorded high priority. There was no compromise on keeping to standard procedures. There were clearly defined roles among colleagues working on the same project. Team members were always willing to help should there be any form of challenge. There were penchants for new discoveries. In some areas, there were intense competitions among scientists while at some other places, colleagues were willing to collaboorate and genuinely work together. Scientists engage in robust discussions through regular meetings, seminars, conferences and symposia for dissemination of knowledge and sharing of ideas.
The scientific community was international in outlook with people from different geographical locations working together in reasearch groups. While working in Germany, I had unrestricted access to modern facilities which helped me to achieve my research goals. I was able to master useful techniques and skills in molecular biology. I developed competence and built confidence to work independently in the laboratory.